Have a Plan!

Duanemarch/ April 9, 2014

“If you fail to plan… … you plan to fail!” It is important to have a plan for your language study. Sticking to a plan – making it part of your life – makes study easier and gives you a sense of progress. A plan also helps you to document… All things you can do to help reach your goals


Arsene Wenger on Languages

Duanemarch/ März 12, 2014

In this video, Arsene Wenger – manager of the footbal club Arsenal London – speaks about his experiences with and the benefits of learning languages.

Issues of Global Corporate English

Duanemarch/ Januar 16, 2014

Issues of Global Corporate English „English is the international language of this corporation.“ „English proficiency is a strategic priority.“ Such statements regarding corporate strategy and English language proficiency are common — and can strike both managers and employees with consternation. The mission sounds a lot easier than it is — and global corporations have been struggling with it for decades.
