Treatment with NLP
NLP treatment is an approach employing language that address your five senses in order to enable you to make changes to your subconscious attitudes and priorities.
NLP was developed as a therapy for changing one’s mental thought processes. It consists of a collection of communication techniques and methods. These enable a practitioner to teach clients how they can better learn, motivate themselves and change their attitudes and behaviors.
Different people are affected by different types of words that address our various senses:
- Optical (pictures),
- Auditory (sounds),
- Kinesthetic (feelings – emotional and physical),
- Olfactory (smell),
- Gustatory (taste)
Most people have a prevalent orientation: optical, auditory or kinesthetic.
It probably will not surprise you to learn that men tend to be optically oriented.
It also might not surprise you to that women tend to be aurally (auditory) oriented with a large pinch of kinesthetic (emotion) thrown in.
Of course, there are plenty of exceptions. One task of the NLP Practitioner is to “calibrate” his client in order to find out what kind of words has the most effect on him.
As the name suggests, NLP affects people by using language that has an impact on one’s thinking.
NLP Therapy or Treatment
A typical example: for people who want to give up smoking.
Using words and techniques of visualization, an NLP practitioner can help his client to form images, sounds and smells and associate them with:
- The bad points of smoking, and
- The desirable points of living a life without smoking
You can use NLP therapy for getting over an emotional breakup, controlling anger situations, getting control over eating habits, and in general, visualizing a future you – a you that you want to be.
There is, of course, a lot more to NLP than that.
I am a certified NLP Master practitioner.