Arsene Wenger on Languages

Duanemarch/ März 12, 2014

In this video, Arsene Wenger – manager of the footbal club Arsenal London – speaks about his experiences with and the benefits of learning languages.

Alpha Method Intensive Training

Duanemarch/ Januar 17, 2014

The training methodology used is an expansion of “Super Learning” developed by Georgi Lozanov. This methodology exploits, as an essential component, audio-visual relaxation techniques that enable what is named a “mentally active state of relaxation”  – or the “Alpha State”. Super Learning, however, is based solely on audio data input: i.e. by hearing. The Alpha Method expands on Super Learning.


Issues of Global Corporate English

Duanemarch/ Januar 16, 2014

Issues of Global Corporate English „English is the international language of this corporation.“ „English proficiency is a strategic priority.“ Such statements regarding corporate strategy and English language proficiency are common — and can strike both managers and employees with consternation. The mission sounds a lot easier than it is — and global corporations have been struggling with it for decades.


Vocabulary training with

Duanemarch/ Januar 15, 2014 offers free accounts for training language vocabulary! There are thousands of sets of vocabulary that you can study and learn by using these features: flipping through flashcards – with or without audio spelling words you hear taking quizzes that you can configure yourself typing in the right translation, and… playing games matching words / phrases with their translations Quizlet
