Language Training with me! Although I also offer tutoring for students, I specialize in intensive language training seminars (minimal 3 full days) with the goal of at least 100 vocabulary words / phrases per day. I get results applying a combination of – Alpha State vocabulary training – Suggestopedia – NLP The core of my language training seminar consists of
A Learning Method for Vocabulary – Index Cards
A method for anchoring vocabulary in your long term memory You need index cards (or something similar), a drawer or box that you can divide into compartments for holding the cards. Every day you will want to begin with 7 new words / phrases (see „Rule of Seven„). Start writing vocabulary cards – target language on one side, native language
Alpha Method Intensive Training
The training methodology used is an expansion of “Super Learning” developed by Georgi Lozanov. This methodology exploits, as an essential component, audio-visual relaxation techniques that enable what is named a “mentally active state of relaxation” – or the “Alpha State”. Super Learning, however, is based solely on audio data input: i.e. by hearing. The Alpha Method expands on Super Learning.